How to Train Cats to Not Sleep in the Bed

The cat is one of the most independent animals around. They are often seen as less than affectionate and tend to keep to themselves. Most cat owners will agree that they do not own a cat, but rather share a living space with one. It's because of this very independence that a cat usually sleeps where it pleases inside a home. With a little patience, it's possible to train a cat not to sleep on your bed.

Things You'll Need

  • Aluminum foil
  • Cat bed or pillow
  • Cat treats
  • Citrus scented spray
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  1. How to Train Your Cat Not to Sleep in Your Bed

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      Offer your cat an alternative to sleeping on the bed. Purchase a small to medium sized pet pillow or bed that is similar to your cat's preferred bed spot. If your cat tends to nestle into the blankets, a cat bed may be the best option. If your feline sleeps primarily on your pillows, stick with a pet pillow.

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      Remove your pet from the bed and place him on the cat pillow or bed and reward him with attention and a treat. This will begin the positive reinforcement process. Once the cat has established that the pillow or bed is a place for rewards, it will start to migrate there on a regular basis.

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      Place a sheet of aluminum foil on the area where your cat likes to sleep. Cats don't like loud noises, so if your pet tries to sleep in its usual bed spot, the sound of the rumpling foil will probably discourage him from returning. It will also be an uncomfortable surface for him to try to sleep on.

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      Remove the foil if your cat continues to return to bed. Spray a citrus scent on the pet's usual spot or all over the bed. Almost all cats hate the smell of citrus, so this makes the bed an unpleasant place to be.

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      Keep the bedroom door closed at all times. Initially the cat will dig or scratch to get in, but a spritz of citrus scent on the door will probably solve that problem. Continue to provide your pet with rewards whenever he returns to the pet pillow or bed and eventually he will get the message.