How to Train Kittens to Get Potty Trained

Litter training is an extremely important step when you choose to adopt a kitten as your family pet. If you do not properly potty train your kitten, you could potentially end up with a cat who has a lifetime of behavioral issues when it comes to using the litter box. Potty training your kitten will not always be an easy process, and you should expect some accidents. However, remember that punishment is never the way to go. This will confuse your kitten and possibly cause fearful or aggressive behaviors toward you or the litter box.

Things You'll Need

  • Litter box
  • Litter
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    • 1

      Set up a litter box that your kitten can easily access. This might mean setting up a smaller box until your kitten grows a little.

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      Place the litter box in an area that your kitten can get to without any trouble. Hiding it away might be more convenient for people, but your kitten will then be harder to potty train. The area should also be private and quiet. Loud noises and distractions can cause your kitten not to use the box.

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      Fill the litter box with a commercial cat litter. The box should be about two inches full. The litter should be scooped several times a day and completely cleaned out weekly to encourage your kitten to continue to use it. Do not use strong cleaners when cleaning the box. This will make it less attractive to your kitten.

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      Show your kitten the litter box. Pick up the kitten and set it down inside the box.

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      Take your kitten's two front paws and gently make a scratching motion in the litter. This will remind the kitten what the box is for an encourage him to use the box. Remember that cats have a natural instinct to eliminate in substance similar to the litter, such as soil or sand. So in most cases, potty training should not be an issue.