How to Use a Spray Bottle to Train a Kitten

Depending on the playfulness of your kitten, she may be difficult to train, but you can't give up. Failure to train your kitten and discourage biting and scratching, for example, results in a lifetime of bad behavior, so nip it in the bud by punishing your kitten when she misbehaves. Using a spray bottle is one method of training your kitten, the idea being that she is discouraged from her behavior when you spray her with water.


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      Keep a spray bottle filled with water with you at all times, or place them strategically throughout your home.

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      Pick up your spray bottle and give a negative command, such as "No."

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      Squirt your cat with a light water spray -- this is its punishment.

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      Be consistent with your spray bottle training. Consistency is the only way your kitten will learn to associate her behavior with the consequences.

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      Consider other methods of training or punishment for your kitten if she does not respond to bottle training. Cats sometimes do not associate the spray bottle with their behavior, and learn to fear the bottle but not stop misbehaving. This misunderstanding also may cause your cat to resent or fear you.