How to Train a Kitten to Stop Biting

Raised correctly, a playful young kitten grows into an affectionate and loyal adult cat. If you do not curb problem behavior while it is young, though, it will only get worse with age. It may seem cute when a small kitten nips at your fingers while playing, but failure to stop the cat only teaches that it's acceptable to bite -- a lesson the cat will remember for a lifetime. By training your kitten to stop biting you and to channel its aggression in a safe way, you ensure that it grows up well-behaved and safe to interact with.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat toys, particularly ones on strings
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      Give your kitten affectionate attention like gentle petting and cuddling to teach it that not all touching is playful.

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      Give your kitten toys to play with, and actively play with your kitten three times a day for 15-minute periods. During these periods, use toys like a stuffed mouse on a string that your kitten can attack, as opposed to attacking you.

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      Scold your kitten verbally with a firm word like "No" when it attacks you during play. If it bites you, use the word and stop playing. Ignoring your kitten in this way is punishment, and the cat will learn not to bite, lest you cut off play time.

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      Remain calm if your cat bites you outside of a play context. Reacting strongly may make the cat more aggressive or give the impression that you are playing, so instead, calmly remove the cat, use the "No" command and ignore the cat.