Problems With a Cat Meowing at Night

While cats cannot speak to us, they can vocalize by meowing to let us know when they are hungry, in pain, agitated, bored or upset. Cats normally vocalize a few times during the day or night, but when this vocalization becomes obsessive and goes on for long periods of time during the night, it can signal a medical or behavioral problem with your cat.
  1. Medical Issues

    • Cats vocalize, or meow, excessively when they experience pain. Frequent meowing at night may indicate that your cat has a broken or fractured bone or other internal injury. It can also indicate hyperthyroidism, a hormonal condition that causes cats to become very noisy. Cats with diabetes will meow for food because they do not feel full. Your cat may meow excessively from the pain it experiences when trying to urinate, indicating a urinary tract problem. Older cats may experience dementia, also called feline cognitive dysfunction, and begin meowing during the night due to confusion and anxiety. Seek the advice and care of a veterinarian to first rule out a medical problem if your cat suddenly begins meowing excessively at night.


    • Cats are creatures of habit. If you feed them late at night or very early in the morning, they will expect continued feeding at these times, even if your schedule changes. To avoid the "alarm clock cat" syndrome of your cat waking you up for feedings, leave out dry kibble for your cat before you go to sleep. Provide enough food to last it through the morning. Another option is the use of an automatic feeder. These devices hold dry or wet food and have a timer that opens the cover to the food at a designated time you set. Set up the feeder before bedtime to open during the night and feed your cat to prevent it from meowing for food and waking you.

    Intact Cats

    • Male and female cats that have not been neutered or spayed will yowl loudly during the night in order to attract a mate. This behavior usually occurs during estrus, also called heat, for females, when the hormone estrogen is at a high level in the cat's system. For male cats, this can happen at any time, usually during mating season in the spring and fall. Cats reach sexual maturity at between 6 and 12 months of age, when the night vocalization will begin. When you spay or neuter your cat, this behavior will stop as the surgery eliminates the hormones that encourage the will to mate. You can schedule this procedure for cats as young as 8 weeks of age. Females in heat must be spayed after their estrus cycle has ended.


    • Cats can get bored when they are alone at night and will call to wake you up to play with them. When you respond to your cat if it meows at night, this reinforces the behavior and the cat learns that meowing will get your attention. If possible, ignore your cat's behavior and keep it shut out of your bedroom. Provide toys for it to play with the keep it occupied while you sleep or adopt a companion cat for your cat to play with. You can also play with your cat for 15 to 30 minutes in the evening using an interactive toy to tire your cat before bed, so it will sleep through the night.