How to Train a Cat for Stairs

Cats most often have no problems climbing; in fact it is usually difficult to keep them grounded. However, there may be a developing hurdle which may cause your cat to be fearful of jumping and climbing the stairs. Whether you have a new kitty, an injured kitty, an older cat or one that just needs to get in shape, you can train your cat to climb the stairs.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat food
  • Cat treat
  • Cat toy
  • Pet clicker
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      Coax your cat up the stairs with a special piece of food. Go up a few stairs at a time so that your cat does not get startled. After your cat reaches a few stairs, go up a few more and continue the process with the treat until you reach the top.

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      Praise your cat often when your cat succeeds, even as frequently as each step. Just as with dogs, cats respond with a lot of love and praise for a job well done.

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      Purchase a clicker training tool at your local pet supply store. It is relatively inexpensive but is effective in training your cat.

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      Call your cat by name and say a command such as "come". Have a treat in one hand and the clicker in the other, behind your back. Show the treat while calling your cat. When the cat comes, give the treat and click the clicker at the same time. Remember to praise your cat for a job well done.

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      Replace food with a favorite toy as you coax your cat up the stairs. The toy works the same as the treat. Call your cat, waving the toy for it to see and when your cat approaches the toy, use the clicker and praise the cat.