Choosing a Box
The litter box should not be covered. Choose an open box with no top cover. A covered box retains odor that will repel a cat from using it; and a covered area is not a natural place for a cat to do its business. Make sure the box is low enough for the kitten or cat to jump in and out with ease. The box must be big enough for the cat to turn around, dig and squat comfortably.
Placing the Box
The litter box must be in a well-vented, secluded area. A cat does not like interruptions when using a litter box. Locate it in an area where children and dogs will not block access to the tray. Place it away from household traffic -- away from hallways, doors and other well-used areas. Keep it away from noisy appliances. If a cat is startled while trying to use the litter box, it will not finish the job, and it may not return to the box in the future. Place a litter box on every floor of the home and keep the boxes away from food and water.
Choosing Litter
Use litter that simulates sand or earth. It is natural for a cat to dig a hole and then cover it when done with its business. Do not use clumping litter with small kittens. They will sample litter, and clumping litter can be dangerous when swallowed. Do not use litter with high perfume because this will discourage the cat from entering the box. Dust-free litter is good for the cat and the owner.
Cleaning the Box
Clean the litter daily. A cat will not use a smelly box. Wash the box weekly, but do not use ammonia-based or scented cleaners. The scent will prevent a cat from using the box. Make sure there is enough clean litter in the box to allow the cat to dig to its heart's content. They will not dig in wet smelly litter.