How to Train Your Maine Coon Cat

Maine coon cats are considered the dogs of the cat world. They are large, kind animals that are more easily trained than other breeds. Training a Maine coon is much like training any other cat, except the learning curve will generally be shorter for this breed.

Things You'll Need

  • Toys
  • Cat litter
  • Clicker (optional)
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      Begin the training process when your pet is a kitten. Just as puppies generally pick up training commands and actions faster than dogs, so too do kittens over cats. If you are adopting an adult cat, ease into the training once your cat has adjusted to its new surroundings.

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      Use positive reinforcement. Never scold your Maine coon. These are social animals that will respond best to positive reinforcement such as treats and attention.

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      Keep the litter box clean. If you are trying to house train your Maine coon, change the litter in its box frequently. Maine coons, like most other breeds, prefer a well kept litterbox over a not-so-clean one.

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      Exercise your Maine coon. According to the World of Maine Coon Cats website, exercise not only keeps the cat physically healthy, it also helps keep the cat from getting bored and getting into trouble. If you cat is constantly jumping on top of counters and tables and knocking things over, for example, give the cat an alternative such as playing with a toy.

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      Train your Maine coon as you would a dog. While the Maine coon has many differences from dogs and will not always come when called, the World of Maine Coons site says that Maine coons can be taught to come and even to walk on a leash. The trick is to start the training as early in your relationship with the cat as possible.

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      Consider using a clicker. This will work much like dog training with a clicker. When your cat does something you want it to do, click the clicker and praise your pet. Eventually, you'll only need the clicker to reinforce positive behavior. After that, the cat should gradually obey commands without any reinforcement afterward.