How to Turn an Indoor Cat That Won't Use the Litter Box Into an Outdoor Cat

If your indoor cat refuses to be house-trained, it may not work to keep it as an indoor cat. Getting your cat used to being outdoors should be handled carefully and patiently. However, if you live in an urban environment such as a city, it may be too dangerous for your cat to be outdoors. If you live in a rural setting, having your cat outdoors will work well for you and for the cat, as the cat will most likely be happier and healthier spending more time outdoors.

Things You'll Need

  • House cat
  • Collar and name tag
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    • 1

      Buy a collar and customized name tag. Get the pet's name and your phone number and address printed or stamped on the tag, and put the tag on the collar and the collar on your cat. Make sure that the collar fits snugly but is not so tight that your cat suffocates.

    • 2

      Open the back door to your home and walk out when your cat is watching you. The cat may follow you outside, which is the response you want. If the cat won't go out with you right away, don't force it. This should be a natural process.

    • 3

      Acquire a cat leash or lead and take your cat for a walk. Walk your cat inside first, to get your cat accustomed to the leash and being led around with it. Most cats will be resistant to being walked, but over time your cat may get accustomed to it. Once your cat is used to wearing the leash and being led around inside the house, try walking it outside around the neighborhood or in your backyard.

    • 4

      Place food and water dishes outside, and show you cat where they are. This will help it adjust to the outdoors because the cat will know it can still get food or water when it's hungry or thirsty.

    • 5

      Walk your cat without the leash around the yard. Once your cat is used to leashed walks, let it outside with you to explore the front or back yard. Let your car sniff around and explore, and just hang out with the cat close by. This will acclimatize your cat to the outdoors and make it feel comfortable and not pressured by the idea of being outside.

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      Let your cat out on its own when you're both ready. Leave a door open a crack or get a cat door, so that your cat can alert you when it wants to come back into the house.