How to Prevent a Cat From Urinating on Your Clothes

A cat urinating on your clothes can be disgusting. While it is common among untrained cats, trained pets seldom behave in this way unless there is some other underlying issue. The key to solving this problem lies in understanding this issue and finding a way that puts an end to this behavior without stressing your pet. A careful study of the incidents when the cat urinates on your clothes can help you identify the probable cause that can be anything from stress to a medical problem.


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      Study the incidents. Observe your cat's pattern of urinating on your clothes. Check if she is attracted to clothes you have worn for long -- it can indicate that she is drawn to the sweat. Remove the source of temptation. Put your clothes away, out of your cat's sight. Take off clothes lying on the floor; keep your laundry baskets inaccessible in a locked space where your cat cannot enter.

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      Check the litter box. Find out if he urinates only on your clothes or elsewhere, like on furniture. If you find no specific preference for clothes, it could indicate a problem with the litter box. If the litter box is too dirty, clean it out. Check if the urinating on your clothes stops with this action. If the results are clearly visible, make sure you clean the litter box on a regular basis.

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      Eliminate the smell of urine. Cats can smell their own urine on the surface they have used and come back to urinate at the same spot. Wash your clothes thoroughly to remove the odor of urine. Mere washing with detergent will not suffice; use additional products that eliminate the smell. Add 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar while washing your clothes or use enzyme-cleaning agents commonly available at pet stores.

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      De-stress your cat. Cats may begin urinating on your clothes to indicate their insecurity. This is especially true in cases where there has been a new addition to the family -- either another pet or a baby. If your cat is feeling lonely and left out of things, she may be urinating on your clothes to gain attention. Spend a few minutes every day exclusively with your pet. This will help her to de-stress and feel more secure.

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      Rule out medical problems. If none of the other measures seems to be working, take your cat to the veterinarian and have him checked thoroughly. Urinating everywhere often arises from a urinary infection, and controlling the infection with medication will put an end to the problem.