How to Train Your Cat Not to Run Out the Door

Safety is the No. 1 reason to keep your feline indoors. Outside dangers lurk for the cat that bolts for an open door. A speeding car, an aggressive dog, or antifreeze left unattended pose real dangers for your pet. Cats can be trained to enjoy the indoors. It isn't difficult, but it takes patience and persistence.

Things You'll Need

  • Designated room
  • Litter box
  • Cat toys
  • Scratching post
  • Favorite snack
  • Cat clicker or ball point pen
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    • 1
      Confine your cat to one room to begin training.

      Set boundaries for your cat or kitten by designating a room for your feline to stay in for two weeks. A bathroom or bedroom will work. This establishes a territory for your cat.

    • 2
      Cats want to play, so provide plenty of toys.

      Move the cat's litter box, food and water into the designated room. Keep the litter box very clean. A cat's sense of smell is much more sensitive than yours and it must feel clean to be comfortable while confined.

    • 3
      Use a clicker to get your cat's attention.

      Give your cat fun things to do while indoors and confined to the room. Cat toys and a scratching post are good choices. Spend time playing with your cat during this time of confinement. After the training, the cat will continue to seek out these toys and you to play.

    • 4
      After two weeks, allow supervised trips to other rooms.

      The American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA) recommends using a clicker combined with a favorite treat to reward your cat for being or doing good. It's critical to sound the clicker as the cat behaves and offer a favorite treat. Cats learn through repetition and will associate the clicking noise with a reward. If you don't have a clicker, substitute a ball point pen.

    • 5

      Once two weeks have passed, allow your cat to move about the house under supervision, but do not allow trips outdoors. Put your cat back in its room at night to reinforce the training.