How to Control Cat Clawing

Clawing is a very natural behavior in cats. It is how they keep their claws, sharp and neat. It also feels good and is a form of activity for your cat. In fact, even cats without claws can be found "clawing" different surfaces on occasion. Of course, clawing is more of a problem when your cat does have claws. If your cat is clawing at areas you don't want damaged, there are things you can do to control the cat clawing.

Things You'll Need

  • Scratching posts
  • Double sided tapes
  • Nail clippers
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      Place several scratching posts around your home that your cat is allowed to claw. This is a natural behavior that needs to be given an outlet.

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      Keep the scratching post where your cat can find it and show it to your cat. Place a treat near it or play with your car around the post to encourage clawing.

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      Place double-sided tape over any area that your cat has been clawing that you don't want clawed. This surface is unappealing to your cat and will discourage clawing.

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      Trim your cat's claws. Use regular nail clippers and never go beyond the quick, which is the colored portion. If you've never done this before, ask your veterinarian to show you how.

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      Never punish your cat for clawing. Using control methods like loud noises is also not recommended. These things can frighten your cat which can lead to other problems.