How to Stop Cats From Chewing on Silk Plants

Cats are notorious houseplant enemies. Some feline friends eliminate inside plant pots, others like to dig up dirt or fake peat and still others see houseplants as delectable, though forbidden, treats. Many cat owners choose to remove living houseplants from their homes entirely, because some popular houseplant varieties such as lilies can be poisonous if ingested by cats. These homeowners replace their living houseplants with silk plants. Cats' fascination with houseplants doesn't end at real plants, however, and many cats will still chew on silk plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Deterrent spray product, such as bitter orange
  • Cayenne pepper
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      Spray your silk plant with your deterrent spray product. Test the product on an unseen area of the plant first, so you can make sure the spray doesn't stain or otherwise ruin the plant.

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      Sprinkle cayenne pepper onto the leaves where the cats like to chew, if you'd prefer not to use the spray deterrent, or if the cats don't seem fazed by your deterrent.

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      Supervise your cats. Whenever your cats get near a silk plant, make a loud hissing noise with your mouth. The noise should sound like a prolonged "s" sound. This noise tells your cats you're displeased without frightening them or causing any physical discomfort. Only make the noise when you've actually caught the cats in the act, or directly before they attempt to get to the silk plant.

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      Move your silk plants to areas where your cats can't reach them, if you aren't successful at training your cats not to chew the plants. Move the plants to higher places where no nearby jump-off points exist. This guarantees that your cats will stop chewing on your houseplants.