How to Tame a Lost & Abandoned Cat

Seeing a lost or abandoned cat on the streets of any city can pull at our hearts. Cats become homeless for various reasons: A cat might get out of its house unattended and become lost; or a family might misplace the cat during a move; it's not unheard of for an owner to desert a cat. Domesticated cats such as these need a home and can benefit from the benevolence of a caring soul just like you. There are some stray cats, though, called feral cats, that aren't domesticated and they--and you--will to be a lot happier leaving them alone. Though taming a feral cat is impossible, a stray domesticated cat can readjust to life in a house if you know how to treat it.


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      Determine if the cat you're concerned about is a stray or is feral. A lost and abandoned cat will behave differently than a feral cat. The feral cat will not approach humans, even after days of contact; but an abandoned or lost cat usually will start to approach and eat in front of humans.

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      Allow the cat to become used to human presence. Abandoned and lost cats were at some point pets, so they will quickly start to feel comfortable around humans. Avoid touching or trying to capture a stray cat until it is comfortable and less wary. Many lost or abandoned cats become wary of humans.

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      Catch the cat. Have the cat captured, dewormed and checked for diseases by a veterinarian before taking it home. This prevents the spread of diseases and makes it easier to handle the cat.

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      Allow the cat time to adapt to your house. An abandoned or lost cat will often adapt to a home quickly. Any feral cat that is older than a kitten will not adjust. It should be kept in a room without other animals or people until it feels comfortable in the house. Keep a litter box, food and water in the room with it and allow a few days where it gets used to the home and one individual's presence without touching the cat.

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      Handle the cat after a few days. Handle stray cats with care and regularity to get the cat used to handling. Most abandoned or lost cats will become used to a caring human's handling quickly. Pet the cat from behind its head to avoid frightening it until it is used to being handled.

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      Bring in others to handle and pet the cat only after it is used to being handled by one person. Let introductions unfold slowly and on the cat's terms. Let the cat approach the "strangers," not the other way around. Allow the cat to get used to the presence of other humans before allowing them to handle the cat.