Home Remedies to Deter a Cat from Defecating on Carpet

Cats are very sensitive, and any changes to their environment or routine can affect their behavior, including where they use the bathroom. When cats choose to defecate outside the litter box, it is often in undesirable places, such as your carpet, clothes, or furniture. When your cat's behavior changes, try to remember what was going on in your household when the change began. Once you understand why your cat is acting a certain way, it might be easier to alter the behavior.
  1. Litter Box Size and Status

    • Your cat might defecate outside the litter box because your cat feels like the litter box is too small. Try purchasing a larger litter box, or you can convert a shallow plastic storage container into a very large litter box. Another option is to add a second litter box in a different location, because your cat might like to have a choice of where he can use the litter box. No matter what type, size, or number of litter boxes you have, you should clean your cat's litter box daily. Your cat may be put-off by a smelly litter box.

    Litter Box Placement

    • Your cat's litter box needs to be the most appealing toilet in your house. Where you place your cat's litter box can affect whether he chooses to use it or not. Cats, like humans, want privacy when going to the bathroom. Make sure your cat's litter box is in a quiet place, away from other animals and people, where he feels he can safely go to the bathroom. If privacy is an issue, a litter box with a cover can offer maximum privacy. Also, make sure you place the litter box away from carpet, so your cat will be less tempted to resort back to this behavior.

    Make Other Areas Undesirable

    • To aid in making the litter box appeal to your cat, make your carpet unappealing. When your cat defecates on your carpet, put the feces in the litter box. This will help your cat realize that the litter box is the correct place for his feces. If you cannot restrict your cat from the area in which he is currently defecating, thoroughly clean the area where you cat has defecated with a citrus-scented cleaner. This smell deters cats.