How to Cage Train a Cat

You can crate- or cage-train a cat just as you can a dog. The best way to cage-train a cat is using the free access method. This method allows cats to feel comfortable with their crate, returning to it in times of stress. Once you cage train a cat, the cat should always have access to the crate in order to positively reinforce the feelings associated with it.

Things You'll Need

  • Crate
  • Litter box
  • Food bowl
  • Water bowl
  • Cat toys
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      Purchase supplies that are the proper size for the cat. If you are crate-training a kitten, consider the full grown size when you buy the crate and litter box. The crate should be large enough that the food, water and litter box can fit comfortably inside while still allowing enough room for the cat to move around inside.

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      Set the crate up in a room where the cat normally feels secure. A bedroom is generally ideal because it is a low-traffic room, giving the cat enough time to explore the new environment without the anxiety associated with people moving around in the area.

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      Allow for the cat's natural curiosity to come into play. It is normal for a cat to want to check out new things and places. Since there is food, water and a litter box inside, the cat should be willing to explore the new environment without forcing. If the cat is not curious about the space on his own, try using catnip spray or a feline calming spray and spray it on the bedding and the exterior of the crate to make it more enticing.

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      Observe the cat. Keep track of how readily he will eat, drink or use the litter box in the crate. Let him become completely accustomed to the space before you attempt closing the door. The cat needs to associate this space with safety and protection before you make it obvious that he can be locked up inside at will.

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      Let the cat watch you close the door while he is inside the crate. If he seems to panic, let him out and let him play with the door before you close it on him again. Take things slow, and try to gauge the pace that works best for your cat. There is no need to rush the crate training process. Once your cat becomes accustomed to the crate, it will be easy to close the door and move him wherever necessary without issue.