How to Remove Cat Urine Naturally

Although most cats can be trained to urinate in a cat box or outside, accidents happen. Older cats may not make it to the litter box. Also, if the litter box is full your cat may protest by urinating in the house. Cat urine has a very strong odor, and can be detected with ease. Once you located the urine, you will need to remove it. You can do this naturally with products from your own home.

Things You'll Need

  • 2 towels
  • 3/4 cup water
  • 1/4 cup vinegar
  • Baking soda
  • Vacuum
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    • 1

      Place a towel over the cat urine and step on it. Make sure you are wearing some type of shoe first. The towel will soak up a lot of the urine. You can then wash your towel.

    • 2

      Mix water and vinegar together. Pour this over the area where the cat urinated. The vinegar is an excellent cleaner as well as a deodorizer. Let the water and vinegar sit for five minutes.

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      Use another towel to soak up the vinegar and water. Putting pressure on the towel will help you get the liquid that has seeped deep in to the flooring.

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      Sprinkle baking soda over the area where the cat urinated. Do this while the area is still wet from the vinegar and water solution. Let the baking soda sit on that spot until it dries. Baking soda absorbs strong odors such as urine odors.

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      Vacuum up the baking soda.