How to Stop a Cat From Chewing on Wires

Cats are smart in a lot of ways, but sometime they just don't know what's good for them. Some cats are like toddlers and put everything in their mouths, and the cats may gnaw on electrical wire even after they've received a shock. An electrical shock can injure or even kill a cat, so even if you're willing to replace your computer cord every few weeks, it's in your cat's best interest to get it to stop chewing on wires.

Things You'll Need

  • Hot pepper or bitter apple spray
  • Lemon juice
  • Chew safe toys
  • Cat grass
  • Wire jackets
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      Consult with your veterinarian about your cat's chewing habits. Sometimes a vitamin deficiency or dental issue may cause your cat to chew compulsively. If your cat has suddenly started chewing on wires, or if there are any other sudden changes in its behavior, talk to your vet right away.

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      Remove the cords from the cat's access. Thread wires snugly behind furniture whenever possible, and consider unplugging electronics and appliances when they are not in use, and bundling the cords out of the cat's reach.

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      Avoid playing with toys that resemble wires, such as strings or shoelaces. It will only confuse the cat if it is allowed to chew on a wire-like toy but is scolded for chewing on electrical wires.

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      Give your cat fun new toys for it to take out its chewing urges on. Plush mice, crinkly paper balls or squeaky toys are all good options.

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      Grow a pot of cat grass (also called wheat grass) for your kitty to gnaw. Offer the grass on a limited, supervised basis until you know how cat grass effects your cats digestion.

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      Coat the electrical wires with an unpleasant tasting substance. Most pet stores carry hot pepper or bitter apple flavored sprays to discourage animals from chewing, or you can spread hot sauce such as Tabasco on the wires. Many cats are also repelled by citrus scents, and spraying lemon juice on the wires may discourage them.

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      Purchase protective wire jackets to cover your electrical cords. Wire jackets are a heavy-duty plastic sheath that slip around electrical cords. If you can't stop your cat from chewing on wires, you can at least stop him from getting electrocuted. Wire jackets can be found in hardware or automotive supply stores.