How to Train Your Cat to Stop Rubbing on You

While cats are known to be a little more difficult to train than dogs, it is possible, with patience and persistence, to stop your cat from exhibiting annoying behaviors--such as rubbing up against you. Some cats are so persistent with this that they may cause the cat owner to trip and fall over the cat, or they may get unwanted cat hair on nice clothes. Cats rub up against objects (and you) for a variety of reasons. It is a form of communication. When they rub up against an object, they also secrete pheromones. This is a territorial behavior and may also signal comfort and familiarity. Here's how to stop that behavior.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle
  • Cat scratching post
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      Try implementing one-on-one time with your cat once a day (ideally at the same time each day). This way, the cat gets the attention he craves and clingy behavior will hopefully subside.

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      Purchase a scratching post or kitty tower for your cat. This may give him something else to rub up against (and scratch and shed on, too) and will keep him out of your path. You may have to put catnip on the post at first, to introduce your cat to the concept. He may start to think of the post as his territory, rather than just you.

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      If your cat continues to rub on you excessively, try making a loud noise when he does it--or even spray him with water. Your cat will learn to associate that behavior with an unpleasant consequence.