How to Keep Cats Out of Floor Registers

Cats seem to love lying in floor registers. Perhaps it's the warm or cool air that flows through that draws them to that location, or maybe they like the way the vent feels against their bodies. Whatever the reason, many people try to prevent their kitties from occupying that space. Those who own cats usually know that convincing felines to do something they don't want to do can be a bit tricky. However, if you use the right tools and techniques, it's a task that can be accomplished for keeping them off floor registers, as well as anything else, such as counters and furniture.

Things You'll Need

  • Double-sided tape
  • Aluminum foil
  • Citrus-based scent
  • Carpet runner
  • Scat-mat
  • Can of coins
  • Spray bottle
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      Place double-sided tape along the outside of the vent. Cats usually do not like the sticky feeling that double-sided tape creates on their pads. In addition, they generally do not like how the tape stays with them. While it may take a few tries and a few tape applications, the tape should eventually deter kitty from the floor register.

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      Apply aluminum foil to the edges of the vent. The appearance of the foil, combined with its texture and the sound it makes when stepped on, usually makes cats want to cringe. Therefore, placing it around the register may keep your kitty away.

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      Spray a citrus-based scent around the floor register. Cats typically have strong aversions to citrus smells and will do what they can to avoid smelling them. Squeeze some lemon or orange juice around the vent, or buy a citrus-smelling spray and apply it around the vent.

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      Place an upside-down carpet runner around the vent, so that the spikes are pointing upwards. These spikes are generally not too sharp and will not harm the cat. However, they do make it rather difficult to walk on the runner and should provide a nice deterrent for the cat.

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      Place a scat-mat around the vent. Scat-mats project small electrical shocks when stepped on that should deter your kitty from going near the register. These mats are generally safe and are available at some pet stores.

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      Startle the kitty when she goes near the register by shaking a can full of coins or squirting her with water. She will eventually begin to associate her presence near the vent with those unpleasant treatments and over time will avoid that location.