How to Repel Cats From Heating System Floor Vents

Cats love to be warm and will do almost anything they can to feel the heat: lie in the sun, cuddle up to anyone or anything warm and even sprawl across a heating system floor vent. Lying on the vent may keep your kitty nice and cozy, but it can prevent the heat from getting into the house or create unhealthy conditions if the cat's hair and dander fly around in the air. Since cats can be stubborn, it may be difficult to keep them away from floor vents, but there are ways to discourage them.

Things You'll Need

  • Citrus-based spray
  • Double-sided tape
  • Aluminum foil
  • Carpet runner
  • Coin-filled jar
  • Spray bottle
  • Motion detector
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      Use a citrus-based spray around the vent (something that won't stain your floors or the vent). Cats generally do not like the smell of citrus and will stay away from anything containing that scent.

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      Apply double-sided tape or aluminum foil to the area around the vent. Most cats do not like the feeling of sticky tape against their sensitive pads and won't walk on it. Cats also generally do not like the texture of aluminum foil or the sound the foil makes when they step on it.

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      Place a carpet runner upside down around the vent. The rubber spikes on the underside should keep the kitty away.

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      Shake a jar of coins whenever the cat goes near the vent. The loud sound will startle her, and eventually she will associate that noise with going near the vent and avoid it. Also try squirting the cat with water when she gets too close to the vent.

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      Place a motion detector near the floor vent. The cat will associate the noise of the alarm with going near the vent and will probably find some other place to keep warm.