How to Stop Cat Scenting

Cats can make great pets. They provide companionship and can even help lower stress in their owners, many studies have shown. But cats have a bad habit that can detract from being a pet owner. Cats are known to "scent," in which they spray of fine mist of urine, unleashing an ammonia smell. As upsetting as a scenting can be, you can remedy the situation at home by following a few simple steps.

Things You'll Need

  • Enzyme cleaner
  • Vinegar
  • Water
  • Lysol
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      Cats can scent for many reasons, and you need to determine why your cat is doing it. Sometimes it is to mark territory or announce to the opposite sex that they are available for mating, but often scenting is stress related. If you have a new pet in the home, your cat is being bullied by another cat or there is a new baby, it might upset your cat̵7;s normal routine, causing him to scent.

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      Spay or neuter your cat. Although any cat, male or female, fixed or not, can scent, a cat that is fixed is less likely to scent around your home. By fixing your cat, you have removed his need to advertise his availability for mating.

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      Clean any scented areas, because the ammonia smell will invite your cat to scent again, and if you have other cats in the household, they may spray in the same area to cover the first cat̵7;s odor. Use a pet enzyme cleaner you can buy at pet stores. These will not only remove the odor for you, but also keep the cat(s) from smelling it as well. You also can make your own cleaner, a half-and-half mixture of water and vinegar.

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      Give your cat attention. If she is feeling neglected because of a family addition, whether animal or human, she might scent to mark her territory and announce her dominance. By giving her extra attention, she might feel less need to be territorial.

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      Move the water and food bowls. Cats do not like to scent where they eat. If you move their food and water bowls to the area they prefer to spray, they will stop scenting there.

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      Use Lysol. Most cats dislike the smell. Use it to clean all areas, except for their food and water bowls and their litter box. You do not want to discourage them from using these.