How to Stop Cats From Digging in Flower Beds

If you have ever planted a flower garden only to discover a cat has been using it as their own personal litter box, you're not alone. Cats cause big problems in flower beds because their digging destroys plants and uproots seedlings. This annoying activity can cost you a lot of money and frustration; thankfully cats can be repelled from your garden to prevent them from digging.

Things You'll Need

  • Chicken wire
  • Orange or lemon peels
  • Popsicle sticks
  • 4 plastic bottles, 2-liter
  • Lava rocks
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      Restrict the cat from the flower beds. Place chicken wire over the ground and lightly cover with dirt in the areas she likes to go. The wire will prevent kitty from being able to scratch around in the dirt.

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      Spread small pieces of orange or lemon peels around the area and mix them into the dirt. Some cats find the smell offensive and will avoid the area.

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      Plant popsicle sticks (ends pointing upward) in the ground at different intervals around the flower bed. Not only will the cat have trouble walking around them, but it will deter them from digging.

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      Fill clear, 2-liter plastic soft drink bottles with water and place them at the corners of the garden. Cats do not like the light reflecting off the water in the bottles and may choose to go elsewhere.

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      Place lava rocks around the flower bed in place of mulch. The rocks sharp edges will deter cats from walking across and keep them from digging.