The use of shock collars on cats is a controversial subject among animal professionals and enthusiasts
The Facts
Shock collars for cats are worn around the animal's neck. Usually, there is a box on the collar in which two metal probes protrude. The probes need to make direct contact with the animal's skin, as this is where the shock is omitted. The shock can either be administered from a remote, which a human controls, or in the case of an invisible fence, it is set off when the cat goes near the restricted areas.
Shock collars for cats are typically used for training purposes. Some cat owners use these collars to stop inappropriate behavior, such as biting or playing too rough. Others use the collar to keep their cats away from certain areas in the home. For instance, if an owner doesn't want a cat to jump up on the table, the collar may be used when the cat looks as though it may want to leap. Shock collars are also used outside to keep cats in or out of certain areas. Invisible fences are located underground and will omit a shock to a cat via the collar if the animal goes near the prohibited area. Many cat owners use this as a tool to keep outdoor cats in the yard or perhaps away from the garden.
There are many people who feel using shock collars on cats is a humane way of teaching and training their animals. There are many others, however, who feel that this method is cruel and abusive. In addition, they argue that using the collar may actually cause worse behavior than what is trying to be corrected or prevented. Cats may associate the pain with whatever they may be looking at when the shock occurs, including other animals, you, or your children. The cat may then become aggressive or fearful of those things. Furthermore, the cat's quality of life may become poor as a result of the collar and the cat may even urinate inappropriately or start biting.
Shock collars for cats are available online and at many pet stores. If you intend to use these collars, be sure to follow the directions or speak with an associate about how to use them. Most collars come in different strengths, therefore, it is best to consult with a professional about which strength to use. It would also be beneficial to speak with an animal trainer or behaviorist about the use of the collars.
It is essential to consult with your cat's veterinarian before you use a shock collar on her. You must find out if your feline is in good enough health to sustain a shock. Cats have very thin skin and if the shock is too much for your pet or if she has a medical condition, injury or death could occur.
About Shock Collars for Cats
Using shock collars on cats, or any other animal, is a highly controversial subject. They are most often used to train or to correct bad behavior. While there are many people who feel shock collars are safe and effective, there are others who think it is cruel to use them on cats.