How to Train a Deaf Cat

Deaf cats can make wonderful pets and can live happy and healthy lives if given the appropriate care and attention. Although deaf cats may seem no different from other hearing cats, it is important that owners take the necessary steps to ensure a deaf cat is treated properly, kept safe and trained effectively. Understanding how deafness affects your cat will enhance your ability to properly handle these very special animals.


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      Use consistent, clear hand gestures when communicating with your cat. Cats are intelligent and will soon begin to recognize what you are communicating if you consistently use the same hand gesture. For example, shaking your hand in a "thumbs down" motion while shaking your head will soon teach your cat that you mean "No."

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      Take the necessary safety precautions to ensure your cat remains indoors at all times. A deaf cat is at a disadvantage in nature and would be unable to defend himself in a dangerous situation. Be sure that children and guests do not accidentally let your cat outside.

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      Do not startle your deaf cat by sneaking up on him. If you need to get your cat's attention, you can stomp your foot on the floor to create a vibration. This alerts your cat to your presence without being too intrusive.

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      Use vibrating collars when training your deaf cat. For example, the Cat Locator enables you to send a small, harmless vibration to the cat's collar, helping you get your cat's attention or teaching him to refrain from a certain activity.

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      Take advantage of your deaf cat's heightened senses, including sight and smell. Use laser pointers or flashlights to play with your cat or get his attention. It is also helpful to wear the same perfume or cologne at all times so that your cat can recognize your scent when you enter a room.

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      Use a loud, clear tone when talking to your deaf cat, and pay attention to your facial expressions. Cats are able to pick up on nonverbal communication, so smile when you are happy and frown when you are disciplining your deaf cat. Be sure to look directly at your cat when talking to him and do not obstruct your cat's view of your face.