Home Remedies to Deter a Cat from Urinating on the Bed

Not using his litter box is one thing, but his deciding to urinate on your bed is an affront even the most understanding of owners has trouble grasping. There are a variety of reasons why your cat may be using your bed instead of his litter box, as well as several home remedies you can use to deter this obnoxious behavior.
  1. Health and Behavior Issues

    • Make sure your cat does not have a urinary tract infection (UTI) and make sure she is spayed or neutered. If she is spraying (standing and shooting out urine), she is marking territory; if she is peeing (squatting), she could have a health issue. Cats with UTIs will pee on soft surfaces because it hurts less. If she continues using your bed after her UTI is cleared up, you will have to retrain her to use her litter box by confining her to a room where she does not have any other options for several days. You also can put a small soft towel in her litter box to encourage her to start using it again.

      If it is not medical, you should address the possibility that your cat is jealous of another animal or a new person in her life or stressed about a change in residence or routine. If you believe your cat has issues about a recent change in her daily life, you can try to soothe her by giving her more attention. Spend time petting her in your bed. If you think her issue is with her litter box, be sure to use a sand-like litter; do not put a cover on her box, and make sure her box is kept well scooped.

    Address Territorialism

    • Your cat may be responding to a cat outside of the house whom he sees as a threat. If there is a window in your bedroom that your cat is reacting to, try closing the shades or keeping your cat out of the bedroom. You also can try Feliway in your bedroom. Feliway is a pheromone that comes in a spray or diffuser. The idea is that it releases a scent that calms an otherwise aggressive or territorial cat. The spray can go directly on your bed. Feliway has worked for many people and their cats, but it is not guaranteed.

    Other Methods

    • Since a cat may continue to use an area that smells of his urine, thoroughly clean your mattress using vinegar or an odor-removing product such as Petastic. To stop your cat from getting on your bed, you can keep plastic carpet runners upside down (pointy side up) on your bed while you are not using it. Citrus is a smell cats do not like, so consider keeping citrus-smelling potpourri or room deodorizers near your bed.

      Cats usually don't like to urinate near where they eat; you could try feeding her on or near your bed and giving her treats on your bed to deter her behavior. If all else fails, you can catch her in the act and squirt her with a spray bottle or squirt gun to stop her. She must be caught in the act for this to be effective, and you may need to do it a few times to convince her you are serious.