How to Train Kittens to Use the Litter Box

This is a very important step in training kittens; you want them to know how to use the litter box instead of using your carpeting or floor. Teaching kittens early is necessary. Start training the kittens when they are 4 weeks old.

Things You'll Need

  • Non-clumping litter
  • Litter box
  • Patients
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      If the kittens are not learning from mom or if the kittens you have are orphaned you will need to have a litter box ready. Use the non-clumping litter; Start training when kittens are 4 weeks old.

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      After the kittens have finished eating put them in the litter box. Keep a close eye they will try to eat the litter. If this happens you will have to wait a bit and try, again the kittens might still be too young.

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      Kitten know how to use the litter box naturally, sometimes the kittens have not matured enough, be patient and start early but do not give up. Once the kitten uses the litter box one time maybe twice they will have it down to a science. In addition, you will be a proud pet owner.