How to Keep Cats Off Outside Furniture

Cats have attitude. It's those little personality quirks that make us love them so much. Cats also think they own us and our homes and that we live to serve them. As people, we know that's not true, so here are a few tips to lay down the law about outside furniture for your devious little furry companion.

Things You'll Need

  • Water
  • Squirt bottle
  • Cat repellent
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      Tell your cat "no" in a firm voice, not a yell or a whisper, and take her off the outside furniture each time the cat sits on the furniture. Consistency is key here. It can be difficult because you are not always outside when the cat is outside, but every time you see the cat on the furniture, tell her "no" and take her off the furniture.

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      Introduce the squirt bottle. If the cat continues to climb and sit on the outside furniture after you have told him no, squirt him with the squirt bottle. Just one squirt will send him flying off the furniture. Again, consistency is key. Every time you see your cat on the outside furniture, squirt him. Even though you are not always outside, be as consistent as you can.

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      Ask your veterinarian about a cat repellent if this is not working. Any pet store will sell multiple types of repellents, so find out which type will be best for you and your cat. This will probably work best at keeping your cat off the outside furniture when you are not there.

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      Don't get lazy. Consistency is important. The more consistent and patient you are with your cat, the sooner she will learn the desired behavior. Even though you are not outside all the time to keep your cat off the furniture, it is important to let your cat know that you do not want her on the outside furniture. Eventually, the cat will keep off the furniture even when you are not around.

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      Treat his good behavior. If your cat has learned where he is supposed to sit and climb, then reward him with a treat. Positive reinforcement goes a long way with any animal.