How to Train a Mature Cat to Use Litter Box

If you adopt an older cat from an animal shelter, you may have to train him to use a litter box. Some abused or neglected cats were never introduced to one. If you have the time and the patience, you can train your new, mature cat to use a litter box each and every time she needs to go to the bathroom. The key is a lot of reinforcement, praise and love.

Things You'll Need

  • Litter
  • Treats
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      Begin by keeping the mature cat confined to one room. Call this your training room.

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      Place a litter box on one end of the room and keep the cat's food and water at the other end. Cats don't like to eat near their litter boxes.

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      Fill the litter box with 1 inch of the cat litter of your choice.

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      Pick up your cat and place him in the litter box. Let him spend some time sniffing it, and try to get him to move the litter around with his paw.

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      Watch for your cat to go to the bathroom in the litter box. When she does, immediately praise her and give her a treat. Pet her and talk in a sweet voice to her so she knows she did something good.

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      Watch for your cat to begin to go to the bathroom in an area of the room that is not the litter box. Quickly say, "No, No" in a loud voice and pick him up. Put the cat down right in the middle of the litter box.

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      Repeat the above steps until the cat understands that she must go to the bathroom in the litter only. Once she gets the hang of the litter box, you can let her roam around the rest of the house. Keep the litter box in the same room until the cat gets used to the rest of the house.

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      Neuter your cat if you adopt a mature male. Male cats spray to mark their territory, leaving urine around your house. Neutered cats don't do this, and are much easier to train to use a litter box.

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      Keep the litter box clean. If you don't clean it each day, the cat will get upset and begin going to the bathroom elsewhere in your house instead of in the litter box.