How to Teach Your Cat to Respond to Their Name

Cats are intelligent animals and they can be trained to respond to their name. Once taught, they will come to you when you call and purr like crazy.

Things You'll Need

  • a cat
  • cat treats
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    • 1

      First you need to make sure that your cat is not deaf or stupid. If you scream at them from 2 inches away and their ears don't move, then they are deaf. They will not respond to you speaking their name now matter how hard you try. Also, some cats are just stupid. You can try the steps below, but some cats just don't get it. It also helps if their names have a hard consonant sound, such as B, T, D, etc. and it is short. A good name would be Beavis or Troy.

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      Start off by sitting down in front of your cat and saying his or her name a few times. Then give them a treat.

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      Repeat step 2, but step a foot or two away from the cat.

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      Continue to look at your cat and speak his or her name, but keep stepping further and further away. Remember to give the cat a treat each time to reinforce good behaviour. After some time the cat will learn to recognize your voice and his name! In the future he will come from across the house when he hears his name and not just because he is hungry or thirsty!