How to Keep Cats From Chewing on Electric Cords and Chargers

Some cats are more playful than others, which can make them more destructive. Some cats like chewing or playing with electric cords, which is obviously dangerous for them. They can give themselves a jolt or pull a heavy electric appliance on top of themselves.


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      Take care of dangling cords. By nature, cats like dangling toys and dangling cords, especially ones moving in a breeze from an open window or a fan. Pin up dangling cords or tie them back. Use cord clips or cord covers to get the cords out of your cat's reach. Some people will put double-sided tape on the cords or in the area around the cords.

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      Give cats something else to play with. Invest in a few toys for your cat or spend some extra time playing with them.

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      Keep your cat out of the room the cords are in. If possible, close the door to that room when you leave the house or keep your cat enclosed in an area without cords or secured cords.

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      Try putting something that tastes bad on the wires. Bitter apple is a popular choice available in pet stores. You can also try home solutions such as Tabasco, pepper water, cayenne pepper, vinegar/water solutions and lemon peel solutions.