Things You'll Need
- a crate large enough for your dog
- a room for the cat
- patience and understanding
Separate the animals. Put the dog in a crate and the cat in a room by herself. Leave them there; only let them out to use the bathroom, or to eat and drink--in the case of the dog. In the case of the cat, she can have everything she needs in her room. Do this for a couple of days.
Remove the dog from the crate, but leave the cat in her room. Let them sniff one another through the door, but don't let the cat out. Pretty soon, they'll get comfortable with each other and the hissing and growling will stop. Don't move on until both are comfortable.
Put the dog in her crate and let the cat out. Let them sniff one another through the crate. If anyone gets angry or tries to start a fight, send the cat back to her room and try it again later. Keep this up, until neither is hissing or growling. This may take a while, since the animals can see each other. Be patient.
Allow the animals to "rest" away from one another. That way the stress will be minimized, yours and theirs.
Release both pets from confinement but supervise them. Don't leave them alone. Always monitor what is going on and if either starts to act out, send them both to their respective 'rooms'.
Go away for only short periods of time when the animals are not confined and only do this after each pet is comfortable. If for some reason you think there may be trouble, put them in their rooms.