How to Train a Black Cat

Fortunately, training a black cat is not rocket science. Unfortunately, training a black cat is not rocket science. There are predictable results and tools with rocket science, but not in cat training. Despite their reputation for bad luck, black cats are not more difficult to train than cats of any other color. You need to be patient, persistent and not expect miracles overnight.


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      Discover your black cat's favorite treat or toy. That will be the treat or toy that they will literally do anything for. Use this in training sessions.

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      Clearly picture in your head what you want your black cat to do. If it helps, tell the cat. Keep replaying this "mental movie" of what you want your cat to do.

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      Break the desired behavior down into steps. For example, if you want the cat to sit down at a particular spot, then you need the cat to do several steps. He needs to look at you, go over to the desired spot, stop, and then sit. Treat each step as a complete "trick" in and of itself. Don't try make the black cat perform the entire maneuver at once.

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      Use simple words for commands and use the same commands every time. Reward immediately whenever you see the cat do the behavior you want her to do. You will need lots of patience and a sense of humor.

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