How to Train My Cat to Do Tricks

Cats aren't well known for performing tricks. However, they can be trained to perform some tricks as long as they have a reason. Teaching a cat tricks takes time and patience. If you have the time then there are several tricks you can teach your cat.


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      Start simple with the "Come" command. To do this simply say, "Come" when you address them for everyday activities such as giving them their favorite toy or feeding them. Soon they will respond to the word "come" even when there is no reward in sight.

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      The basis of a lot of tricks is to teach your cat to sit. Once you have your cat come, tell her to sit while placing slight pressure on her butt to make her sit. After the cat sits either on her own or through your help give them a treat and offer encouragement and praise. Soon your cat will respond to the "sit" command without the need for treats.

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      Next is to try the "shake" command. After you have told your pet to "come" and "sit" you should reward her. Bump her right front leg and when the cat instinctively lifts up a foot tell them "shake" while gently holding the paw. Once it is done reward the cat with a treat and praise.

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      Another simple trick is to have your cat sit and hold a treat over his head while saying "up." Once your cat gets up and reaches for the treat give it to him and reward with praise.

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      Similar to the "up" command, place a treat at eye level and when the cat reaches for it give the "wave" command. Once he reaches out for the treat give it to him and lavish praise for doing good.