How to Train Your Cat to Use a Litter Box

One of the best things about having a cat as your house pet is that they are, for the most part, self sufficient. One of the things that makes cats so self sufficient is that once have been litter boxed trained, you no longer have to worry about rushing home to let them out. The good news is that it normally doesn’t take very long to litter train a cat.

Things You'll Need

  • A litter box
  • Lots of clean litter
  • Cat treats
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  1. How to Train Your Cat to use the Litter Box

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      Place a clean litter box and your cat in a room that with a non-porous floor. You should plan on keeping the cat in this room until they are litter boxed trained. You should put the litter box on one side of the room and a blanket and food and water bowl on the other side of the room. Your cat will have to stay in this room until it is consistently using the litter box.

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      Put your cat on a regular feeding schedule while you are litter box training it. By feeding your cat at the same time you will be able to determine approximately what time it will have to use the litter box. Each time you see your cat use the litter box, praise it, pet it and give it a cat treat. You want to convince your cat that the litter box is a good thing.

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      After your cat has gone a few days without any accidents, you can allow it to have the run of the house. When this happens you can set up additional litter boxes in other rooms and let your cat have the run of the house.

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      Keep the litter box clean. Cat’s are natural neat freaks. They would rather have an accident on the clean floor instead of in a dirty litter box.