How to Train Cat to Enter Cat Door

In 2007 it was discovered that cats have been linked to humans for at least 9,500 years. After so many years of faithful service to humans, it is about time that inventions, such as the cat door, started making feline life a little easier. While it isn't the easiest task to teach a cat to use a cat door, with a little patience, it can make your life, and your feline companion's life, a little easier.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat
  • Object to Prop Cat Door Open With (Or Strong Tape)
  • Kitty Treats
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  1. Train Cat to Enter Cat Door

    • 1

      Prop or tape the door open so the cat is aware of its presence.

    • 2

      Get on the opposite side of the door from your cat. Coax the cat through the door with a kitty treat.

    • 3

      Repeat Step 2 from each side of the door until the cat is comfortable going through the open kitty door.

    • 4

      Close the door a bit so that it's not fully open anymore. Repeat step 2. The door should be closed just enough so the cat can still see the treat, but has to press against the door a bit to go through it.

    • 5

      Continue coaxing the cat through the door, from both sides, closing the door a bit more each time so the cat becomes comfortable with the door. Eventually, the cat will learn that it is possible to get in and out just by pressing the door.