How to keep cats off the kitchen counters and table

Cats are notorious for jumping onto furniture and other forbidden surfaces, including kitchen counter tops and tables. These areas should be off limits to your cat, since waste matter left on your cat's paws from litter box use can spread unhealthy bacteria onto the areas where you prepare food. Your cat might also attempt to eat any food left out on the counter, which can be harmful to it and inconvenient for you. Unlike dogs, cats do not respond to direct punishment, but you can make your cat understand that counters and tabletops are off limits.


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      Eliminate the source of pleasure your cat might get from jumping onto counters and tables. Rinse and soak any dishes with crumbs on them instead of simply placing them in the sink. Always turn the kitchen faucet off if your cat enjoys drinking from it. If your cat is allowed to have leftover food, teach it that the food does not come from the countertop by placing any leftovers in her bowl. If the counter or table is near a window from which your cat enjoys the view, close the shades or, if space allows, change the location of the table.

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      Reduce the appeal of bare countertops. Cats typically don't like citrus smells, so spray countertops with a citrus scented household cleaner. You can also set harmless "traps" for your cat, such as placing cling film or tinfoil over the surface of the counter or table or using a trip wire attached to cans on the edge of the counter. The loud sound will discourage your cat from jumping onto the surface.

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      Provide your cat with plenty of permitted climbing space. Cats are climbers by nature and enjoy viewing their surroundings from a high surface. Encourage your cat to lose interest in counters and tables by placing a multilevel scratching post in an open area of the house.