How to train a cat to stop doing almost anything

Tired of your cat scratching your furniture or jumping up on your counters? Cats can get into many things they shouldn't, even more so than dogs due to their ability to jump high. They might, for example, be fascinated by your printer and jump up on it to see if more paper will come out. Or they may take a walk across your computer keyboard or, for that matter, your piano keyboard. Training cats isn't easy, but it can be done. Here's how to get them to stay away from things you don't want them around.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray bottle filled with water
  • <br>Scratching post
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      Fill an empty spray bottle with water. Keep it in a handy place so that you can grab it quickly when your cat is doing something you don't want her to do.

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      When your cat performs the undesirable behavior, lightly spray him in the face. You don't need to soak him. Cats hate water in the face, so a light spray should be enough.

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      Repeat as necessary until the cat stops doing whatever it is you don't want her to do. It shouldn't take more than a few times before she gets the message. In fact, once she associates the spray bottle with being sprayed with water, you can probably just show her the spray bottle to get her to stop the undesired behavior.