How to Put a Collar on a Kitten

For many people, pets are as meaningful as every other family member, so it comes as no surprise that the pet industry is such a booming business. Taking the proper care of your kitten is absolutely essential to her health and well-being. Kitten collars not only provide added safety for your tiny cat, but they also allow you to showcase her personality when you select one from the numerous styles available.


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      Buy a kitten collar designed for kittens and not full-grown cats; larger sizes are too bulky for their tiny necks. Choose one with a breakaway design. Kittens are curious creatures, which makes it is easy for them to get their neckbands caught on something. The breakaway collar snaps off if your pet gets trapped.

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      Write the kitten's name and your phone number on the inside of the collar. Though some pet owners place their kitten's name on the outside of the collar, this is not always safe. It is easy for strangers to lure your cat away if they can read her name. However, if it is placed on the inside of the collar, only those who have found your lost kitten will discover it.

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      Place the collar gently around your kitten's neck. Adjust it, allowing room for two of your fingers to fit between the collar and your kitten's neck. If you cannot fit two fingers in the space, the collar is too tight and could possibly choke your kitten. If you can fit more than two fingers in the space, the collar is too loose and may slip off.

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      Calm your kitten by stroking her and speak to her with a soothing voice. Kittens generally hate their first collar and will need your affection to mollify their discomfort.