How to Get a Litter Trained Cat to Go Outside

After litter training your cat, you may decide that it's time for him to start using the bathroom outside. Once a cat has been litter trained, he'll need a reasonable amount of time to get used to the idea of going somewhere else. Follow these steps to get your cat to go outside instead of using a litter box.

Things You'll Need

  • Litter box
  • Litter
  • Dirt
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    • 1

      Move the litter box next to the door you want the cat to use to exit the house when she needs to relieve herself. Give her about a week to get used to the litter box being in this new location. During the week, add a little bit of dirt and perhaps a few leaves to the litter to get your cat used to going in a different material.

    • 2

      Put the litter box directly outside the door after a week is up and he has become accustomed to the litter box being in the new location. Keep a close eye on your cat and look for signs that he is looking for his litter box. When you think he needs to relieve himself, pick him up, pet him, make encouraging noises while you open the door and place him in his litter box outside. Add more dirt and other natural materials to the litter. Give your cat all the time he needs to get used to this situation.

    • 3

      Begin moving the litter box further out into the yard a few feet a day, making sure your cat is able to find it easily each day. At this time, you should be able to open the door when your cat needs to use the litter box and she should go directly to it.

    • 4

      Dig a hole in the ground where you want your cat to go every day, and put the litter from the box in it. Let the cat use that for a few days, and then you can cover it up with fresh dirt. Your cat should begin using that spot on a regular basis from now on.