How to Correct a Cat's Litter Box Behavior

You love your cat, but your pet's litter box behavior is driving you crazy. This is the number one reason people get rid of some cats. Luckily, correcting a cat's litter box behavior is easier than you think.


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      Consider setting up extra litter boxes. Many cats like to have one litter box for urine and another for bowel movements. Buy one additional litter box for every cat you own.

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      Take your cat to the vet. If your cat suddenly stopped using the litter box, it may be sick.

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      Think about getting your pet neutered or spayed. Male cats and female cats in heat often stop using the litter box. They're trying to let other cats know they're available.

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      Clean up any messes with an enzyme cleaner. Cats will often return to the same spot they already visited. If you don't fully get rid of the smell, chances are your cat will continue do its business in that spot. If your cat is still using that area, block it off and put aluminum foil or double-sided tape over the spot.

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      Make sure you keep the litter box clean. Cats are clean animals and some won't use a dirty litter box. Scoop out any solid material, replace the litter and rinse it out once a week.

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      Decide where to place the litter box. Most cats prefer it to be in a quiet place.