How to Stop Your Cat From Scratching Without Declawing.

Scratching is an instinctive behavior for cats and is necessary to keep their claws from growing too long. Unfortunately, it can be extremely damaging to rugs, woodwork and furniture in your home. Some pet owners choose to have their cats declawed so that scratching won't be a problem, but others would rather not take such an extreme measure. If you fall into the latter category, there are steps you can take to prevent your pet's destructive scratching without having the cat declawed.

Things You'll Need

  • Scratch deterrent spray
  • Double-sided tape
  • Aluminum foil
  • Scratching post
  • Cat toys
  • Window perch
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      Apply a scratch deterrent spray, double-sided tape or aluminum foil to the areas of your furniture and carpet that are being scratched. These products make it unpleasant for the cat to scratch those spots and will discourage it from doing so.

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      Purchase a scratching post if you don't already have one in your home. Choose a post that is made of a material similar to your cat's favorite scratching spots. For instance, if your cat likes to scratch carpets, get a scratching post that is covered in carpet material. Place the post in front of or on top of the affected area so that the cat will scratch it instead of your floor or furniture. As the cat becomes accustomed to using the post, you can gradually move it to a different area.

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      Give the cat plenty of other ways to entertain itself other than scratching. Provide a variety of toys for the cat to play with, and set up a window perch so that it can watch the outside world. You may want to consider setting up a bird feeder outside the window for extra entertainment. If the cat is sufficiently stimulated, it will be less likely to scratch.