How to Train Your Cat to use the Toilet

Yes, it's true, your cat can use the toilet. There is no need to ever deal with litter again, and you'll have the coolest pet on the block-not counting the guy down the street with the dog who plays poker. While some of the steps may not be the most pleasant, the reward more than makes up for it.

Things You'll Need

  • Kitty litter and scoop
  • Thick books or newspaper
  • Mixing Bowl
  • Plastic wrap
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    • 1

      Take your cat and litter, and make sure kitty can see you move it. Put the litter beside the toilet. This is where it will reside until kitty is comfortable with it being there.

    • 2

      Leave the bathroom door open, the toilet seat down and the lid open. If you don't want kitty to drink from the toilet make sure he always has fresh water in his bowl. Do not block kitty from entering the bathroom if it can be helped and remember that your carpeting may be more valuable than your privacy.

    • 3

      Get a thick book or newspaper and put it under the litter box. Watch to make sure kitty can get into it, wait until she's comfortable with the new arrangement-at least a couple of days-and then repeat this step with another newspaper or book. Repeat this step until the litter box is level with the toilet.

    • 4

      Here comes a big change for kitty! The next time you see kitty ready to use the litter box put the box on top of the toilet and encourage kitty to use it. This is a hard step for kitty and may take a couple of attempts. Depending on your toilet construction you may need something to secure the box.

    • 5

      Yes, you will have to leave the litter box on the bowl until the next step, except when you are using the toilet yourself.

    • 6

      When kitty is used to getting up on the toilet to use the litter box it's time for a slightly more challenging step. Get the mixing bowl and put it in the toilet with some litter. You want the lip of the bowl to hold it up out of the water, so use a bowl of the appropriate size. Again, you'll have to encourage kitty to use the new arrangement. You'll also have to ensure that kitty does not put her feet in the bowl or try to mix the litter before or after. Leave the bowl there unless you're using the toilet and flush the litter each time it's used. Try to use as little litter as possible to ease transition to the next step. Make sure kitty does this perfectly-feet out of the bowl, no mixing-consistently before progressing to the next step.

    • 7

      Now for kitty's final exam! Stretch some plastic wrap over the bowl, under the seat, and let it sag a little in the middle. Put a token amount of litter in the plastic wrap and watch very carefully. If kitty tries to step into the bowl during this step he'll receive a very unpleasant surprise, thus illustrating the importance of foot position in Step 6. A problem during this step may result in complete failure.

    • 8

      The moment of truth. When Step 7 has been completed a few times, remove the plastic wrap. If kitty uses the toilet without the plastic wrap and without falling in, success!