How to Keep Cats Off Countertops

Some cats have the annoying habit of jumping up on the countertop or table. They may be looking for food or just want a better view of their surroundings. With a little patience, it's possible to train your cat to keep off the countertops.


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      Keep countertops clean; remove food from countertops and wipe up any crumbs. Cats are naturally curious and will jump up on countertops to find out what kind of food there is; they may even take a nibble of it. Keeping your countertops clean will teach your cat that there is no food there and they won't jump on them just to find food.

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      Tear large sheets of aluminum foil and place on the countertops. When your cat jumps up on the counter, the foil will cause him to slip and slide. As tactile animals, cats don't like the feel of aluminum foil on their feet.

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      Add water to the aluminum foil to make the surface of the countertop even more uninviting. If your cat jumps on the countertop and gets water on his feet, along with a sliding surface, he will be discouraged from jumping up.

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      Place double sided tape on the countertops. Place it about 2 inches apart all along the countertop. When your cat jumps up on the counter, he will land on sticky tape. Sticky tape on kitty feet doesn't feel good and will discourage your cat.

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      Buy noisemakers designed to keep cats off furniture and countertops; some look like upside down mouse traps or jumping frogs. Make your own noisemaker by stringing cans together and attach a trip wire to them. When the cat jumps on the counter and trips the wire, the cans will shake and make noise.

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      Spray the cat with water from a spray bottle. Every time the cat jumps on the countertop, spray him with water and say "down" firmly. If the cat gets wet every time he jumps on the counter, he's less likely to jump up. If you keep the spray bottle on the countertop where the cat can see it, the bottle itself will deter him from jumping on countertops.