How to Train a Cat for a Show

A pedigreed cat considered worthy of being judged for its representation as the physical ideal for its breed is also known as a show cat. Cat fanciers and breeders work long and hard to get a cat ready to show and preparation begins at an early age. Aside from being in optimum health and possessing an attractive appearance, a show cat is also judged for its personality and temperament. If you think your kitty has the right stuff, you should know how to train a cat for a show.

Things You'll Need

  • (Hopefully cooperative) cat
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  1. Learn Techniques on How to Train A Cat For A Show

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      Forget everything you may have learned about how to train a dog. They are different animals and require different training methods.

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      Remember that reward, not reprimand, is the key to obtaining desirable behavior from your show cat.

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      Practice 'stance' with your cat as much as possible right from the start. Judges don't expect you to train your cat to stand erect with a pronounced posture as you might a dog. However, if you can train your cat to maintain a standing or sitting position for a few moments, this helps.

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      Make sure you're familiar with requirements and standards expected of your cat's breed before considering participating in a show. The Cat Fancier's Association provides numerous booklets to bring you up to speed (see Resources below).

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      Let an expert train you to train your cat for a show. The Cat Fancier's Association provides a Mentor Program to help newcomers to the world of cat shows become acclimated with the process. (See Resources below.)