How to Stop Your Cat From Urinating and Defecating Inappropriately

Though spraying can be a symptom of a medical condition, it can also be due to stress associated with a new person in the home, new carpet, remodeling or the presence of a neighbor cat. Here's how to redirect your cat to the litter box.

Things You'll Need

  • Fresh Step brand kitty litter
  • Cat Foods
  • Litter Boxes
  • Carpet Cleaners, such as OXY Woolite or Stanley Steemer
  • Furniture Cleaners
  • Sandpaper
  • Scat Mats
  • Two-sided Tape
  • Lemon Scents
  • Cat Litters
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  1. Getting Your Cat to Stop Spraying

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      Have your veterinarian screen your cat for any medical conditions.

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      Place litter boxes in the areas where your cat sprays.

    • 3

      Put down plastic, two-sided tape, food, sandpaper or a lemon scent in areas where cat sprays. These will discourage spraying.

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      To divert your cat from spraying in sinks and bathtubs, fill them with a little water.

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      Confine your cat to a clean area with a litter box, food and water.

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      Block visual access to outside areas if your cat is stressed by something in the outdoor environment (for example, a new cat in the area).

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      Use an abundance of positive reinforcement messages.

    Getting Your Cat to Use the Litter Box

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      Place a number of litter boxes in different areas of the house to increase the chances that your cat will use one.

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      Use various types of litter boxes and litter materials to entice your cat (see related eHow on cleaning litter boxes).

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      When your cat finally adjusts to using the litter box, keep it in the same place for four weeks.

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      Move the box 1-foot or less per day to the area you want it to stay permanently.

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      Praise your cat when it uses the litter box.

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      If the cat continues to spray, consult an animal behaviorist and your veterinarian. Some cats need temporary antianxiety medication.