How Soon Can I Cuddle My Newborn Kittens?

Newborn kittens are close to magic, as tiny bundles of cuteness and warmth. Although you might want to hug them as soon as they emerge from the womb, it's a good idea to hold out for a little while and allow the mother cat to do her thing. Always diligently cleanse your hands with soap and water prior to touching young kittens.
  1. Earliest Days

    • Queens are understandably cautious and defensive about the well-being of their newborn kittens. Because of this, your litter's mother cat might be uncomfortable with you -- or anyone else -- touching her little ones in the beginning. This could apply even if you have a strong rapport with the mommy. Try to refrain from touching the newborns for the initial week of their lives. By doing this, you might stop the mother cat from feeling uneasy and anxious, and therefore help her perform her mothering skills properly, from feeding to helping the little guys eliminate.

    Orphaned Kittens

    • If you're caring for orphaned kittens, you don't have to worry about bothering the mother and disrupting her parental care flow. Touching orphaned kittens isn't avoidable -- you're their substitute parent, after all. Not only is it your responsibility to feed the little guys using kitten formula, it's also your duty to encourage them to eliminate by carefully massaging their private and rear sections. It's also important for you to maintain their hygiene. If a kitten has remnants of stool matter stuck onto her fur, you have to promptly take care of it, just as her feline mother would.

      As far as cuddling goes, you can start getting the tiny fluff balls used to the scent of humans practically immediately through both petting and holding -- the works. Even a minute each day of cuddling can go a long way in socializing kittens.

    Cuddling Newborn Kittens

    • Early age socialization is key to bringing up kittens who are happy, well-adjusted and well-behaved. Get on the path to this by beginning to touch the little guys once they're around 2 weeks old. Softly rubbing their coats, holding them each independently and placing them on their backs all make suitable cuddling options for interacting with young kittens. Kittens who receive ample experiences with people by the time they're about 7 weeks old often develop positive relationships with humans as they mature. They also often develop good interplay with fellow animals.

    Being Safe

    • Kittens are fragile little creatures. Always be extremely heedful when touching and cuddling these small felines so you don't accidentally hurt them. Closely watch over little kids who are in the presence of kittens, too. Children sometimes can get overly rambunctious and excited around animals, so monitoring is key.