How to Get a Stray Cat to Like Humans

Stray cats are often the forgotten, abandoned or lost felines that are also misunderstood and believed to be a nuisance. Befriending a stray cat requires time and patience on your part, and trust from the cat. A stray's first instinct is to protect herself, so giving her plenty of time to trust and approach you will result in a friendly, welcoming encounter. In time, a stray cat can become a beloved companion and friend.

Things You'll Need

  • Cat food
  • Bowls
  • Cat carrier (optional)
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    • 1
      A simple bowl of cat food will entice a stray to visit your home regularly.

      Fill a bowl with cat food. Place it several feet away from your home, so the cat feels safe eating from it. Many stray cats come out at night and hide during the day, so leaving the bowl outside overnight will allow her to come and eat without fear of being seen. Place a bowl of fresh, clean water next to the food.

    • 2

      Place the food and water outside at the same time every day or evening. The cat will learn to approach your home when you place the food outside. Continue to do this at a distance from your home until the cat will eat while you stand on your porch or close to your home.

    • 3

      Move the bowls of food and water closer to your home. By this point, the stray cat will have enough trust in you to approach your home and feel safe eating the food. If the cat is a stray, she will begin to feel comfortable eating while you are nearby. If the cat is feral, or wild from birth, she will probably continue to be skittish and run away when you approach for a longer period.

    • 4

      Sit next to the bowls of food and water when you think the cat is comfortable with your presence. Offer your hand for the cat to sniff and catch your scent. Refrain from petting the cat until she is comfortable with you offering your hand.

    • 5

      Place the bowls of food and water in a cat carrier if you desire to take the cat to the vet. This is particularly helpful if the cat is injured, needs vaccinations or should be spayed or neutered.