How to Get a Cat to Stop Meowing and Climbing Onto a Window Sill

If you have owned a cat for any period of time, you have likely asked yourself how to get a cat to stop meowing and climbing onto a window sill at all hours of the day and night. The Cornell University of Veterinary Medicine warns cat owners against disciplining their cats via physical punishment as this either makes a cat more aggressive or extremely anxious. Proactively train your cats to behave appropriately indoors by using a few simple corrective strategies that do not incorporate physical human contact whatsoever.

Things You'll Need

  • Climbing perches
  • Scratching Posts
  • Spray bottle
  • Condensed air can (optional)
  • Cat door (optional)
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      Set out climbing perches and scratching posts in areas where your cat tends to jump up on window sills or meow incessantly. These items entertain your cat and give it the opportunity to jump and scratch without crossing over into restricted areas.

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      Hiss at your cat when it exhibits negative behaviors, even if you feel silly doing it at first. Spray your cat with a stream of water or give it a quick blast from a condensed air can immediately after you hiss. This gives your cat an immediate negative consequence for its actions, which trains it against engaging in similar behaviors in the future.

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      Install a cat door in your bedroom door if your cat meows constantly throughout the night. This gives your cat a way to leave your room without waking you up with annoying meowing to open the door.