How to Keep Cats From Banging on the Door

The simplest solution to keeping your cat from banging on your door may be to open the door. Sir Isaac Newton is credited with solving this problem by inventing the cat door. There is some discussion among animal behaviorists about whether people train cats or cats train people. It is possible that your cats are trying to train you to open the doors on which they bang. It also is possible that your cats are playing, which often continues when you retire for bed since they are nocturnal animals. It also is possible that they like making the sound of banging on your door.

Things You'll Need

  • Spray mister or can of compressed air
  • Cat toys
  • Tape
  • Aluminum foil
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      Spay or neuter your cat if you have not already done so. Neutered cats are more docile and less rambunctious than intact animals.

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      Spray your cat with water from a mister or with compressed air from a can when it bangs on your door. Most cats can be taught to refrain from annoying behavior like this, but some cats enjoy being sprayed with water or air.

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      Wear out your cat with play before you go to sleep if this is a late night problem. Cats like to play with toys that encourage their instincts for hunting, so implement toys that provide exercise and an outlet for their hunting behaviors. If your cat is reaching under your door to bang or scratch, he is demonstrating what is called ̶0;fishing̶1; behavior and he is telling you he wants to play.

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      Pick up your cat and hold him. Pull him under the covers with you if your are in bed. Cats don̵7;t like to be trapped, and your cat will quickly associate banging on the door with being trapped.

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      Tape a sheet of aluminum foil to the door. Many cats are unnerved by the rustling sound aluminum foil makes when it is touched.